Mikids Mathematics encompasses exciting sensorial and hands-on manipulative activities that teach children key mathematical concepts.

The Mikids series of mathematics books have been specially written for preschoolers to develop mathematical curiosity. Learning through hands-on activities improves long-term memory, understanding and critical thinking compared to memorization.

Mikids Maths curriculum is designed to develop children's mathematical skills by working with:

  • Number operations
  • Estimation
  • Shape
  • Space
  • Measurement
  • Real life problem-solving strategies

Helps children acquire basic mathematics concepts and to use numbers, and math concepts in everyday life.

Activities are varied, creative and interesting and designed to stimulate learning and build confidence.

Activities are varied, creative and interesting



Math is part of children’s everyday lives. Counting, measuring, sorting, noticing patterns, and making comparisons develop mathematical thinking.


Include Math talk when cooking, playing at the park, and during storytime helps, children think mathematically, solve problems and foster a positive attitude towards math.


Putting maths into practice in daily activities like counting toys, and measuring the height of family members all provide plenty of opportunities for practising math.


The Mikids Math curriculum is designed to develop children’s mathematical skills and explore math concepts step by step while providing lots of opportunities to practice and apply their mathematical skills in their daily lives.


The multimedia format demonstrates how mathematical thinking and concepts are applied in daily activities. Incorporating math talk through stories and asking questions that get children actively engaged in problem-solving, fosters a keen interest in math and builds confidence.

Learning Materials

A well-structured teaching package, which includes lesson plans, assessments, a math board, and yearly reports, helping the teachers in systematic delivery.